It’s important to understand the standards you will have to meet for the PTS Rail medical requirements.
The Personal Track Safety (PTS) medical is mandatory occupational health assessment that all rail workers and subcontractors must undertake. There are different assessments based on the nature of the safety critical role. However, this information covers the basic PTS medical requirements. In addition, the PTS medical can also be undertaken in conjunction with the Network Rail drug and alcohol test.
All results for medicals and drug and alcohol tests are maintained on the Sentinel database. The length of certificate given for the medical depends on your age and any restrictions identified during the assessment.
Please call 0800 988 7107 and ask about the other industry specific workplace medicals we offer.
Prior to the PTS medical appointment, you will be asked for the following:
If any of the above is not provided, the medical appointment may have to be rearranged at additional cost.
At the PTS medical appointment, you will be asked to complete a medical questionnaire. After this, you will be welcomed into the medical room by the Occupational Health Technician, Nurse or Doctor.
The following then takes place for the basic PTS medical assessment. Also, the running order of the following may change slightly, depending on if a drug and alcohol test is being performed at the same appointment:
If no drug and alcohol test is required, the PTS medical lasts around 30 minutes. However, if a drug and alcohol test is required, then the medical can take up to 45 minutes. In addition, if any issues are detected during the medical, then this time can run over. For example, if an ear examination is required.
If you meet all the standards of the PTS medical, you will achieve a level 1 pass. However, even if you achieve a pass, we may still provide you with some health advice. For example, about the effects of smoking and alcohol. Or some advice on high blood pressure or BMI.
If you do not meet the standards of the PTS medical, there are several possibilities. These include requesting information from your GP, optician, consultant, or hospital. In addition, your medical results may also be referred to our responsible occupational physician (ROP). Whatever the outcome, we will communicate with you every step of the way and provide you with the details of additional information we need to progress your medical results.
Ultimately, whether you pass the medical depends on you meeting the Network Rail standards. Our advice would be to lead a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, don’t smoke and limit your alcohol intake. All of this is linked to blood pressure and BMI. In turn, by leading an unhealthy lifestyle, these choices can restrict your career choices in safety critical industries. For more information on healthy lifestyle choices, please see the latest advice from the NHS.
Crystal Health Group
The Old Chapel
M30 0NG