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14 May 2024

Online bookings for the Manchester DNA and drug testing clinic

Take advantage of discounted DNA testing, drug and alcohol testing, and PTS medical assessments by booking your appointment online with the Manchester clinic.

Online drug DNA test appointment booking

Online DNA testing appointments

You can now book your paternity DNA test appointment online at the Manchester clinic. We currently offer both the peace of mind and legal paternity tests as online booking options. In addition, take advantage of discounted DNA test prices by booking online today. For example, a peace of mind paternity test is discounted to £220 from £250. While the legal paternity test is reduced from £395 to £365.

If you wish to book a more complex DNA test, such as a sibling or grandparent DNA test, please call 0161 359 7187. Our team will be happy to explain the details of these tests and book your appointment over the phone.

All prices inclusive of VAT

Online drug and alcohol test appointments

Our most popular drug and alcohol tests are also available to book online. These include urine and oral fluid drug tests for both private individuals and employers.

Urine drug tests are available as either point of care screens, or laboratory drug tests. In addition, prices for booking online are discounted from our standard costs. For example, a urine point of care screen is only £120, discounted from £156. The same level of discount applies to the urine laboratory drug test at just £144, down from £180.

Also, as with urine, our two methods of oral fluid drug tests are discounted to the same price points. in addition, both urine and oral fluid drug tests can be performed in combination with a breath alcohol test at no extra cost.

Due to the complexity and the information required for hair drug and alcohol testing, blood alcohol testing, and PEth testing, you must call 0161 359 7187 to book your appointment.

All prices inclusive of VAT

Book a Network Rail drug test online

We have also included the ability to book Network Rail drug and alcohol tests online too.

Network Rail drug tests are available as either point of care screens, or laboratory drug tests. Prices for booking online are also discounted from our standard costs. The urine point of care screen is only £120, discounted from £156. While the urine laboratory drug test at just £144, reduced from £180. Also, there is no additional charge for performing the required breath alcohol screen for the Network Rail test.

All prices inclusive of VAT

Book a Network Rail PTS medical online

There are two variants available when booking a Network Rail PTS medical online. Both medical assessments are the same, the difference is the drug test method chosen, either point of care (POC) drug screen or laboratory drug test.

Whatever drug testing method you choose, both PTS medical assessments are discounted from our standard costs. The POC version is reduced to £146 from £192. While the laboratory drug test version is just £174, discounted from £210.

All prices inclusive of VAT

When booking online, all appointments are available from the next working day. If you require a same day appointment, please call 0161 359 4187.